Dorn Media Center » Hours & Procedures

Hours & Procedures

The Dorn Media Center is open during school hours.  First grade classroom visits are scheduled for one 42 minute period per week, and Pre-K and Kindergarten classroom visits are schedules for one 30 minute period per week.
Book Check Out

First grade students may check out two (2) books per week. Pre-K and Kindergarten students may check out one (1) book per week. Our loan period is 7 days. We encourage students to bring their books to library every week. They have the choice of returning their books if they have finished reading them, or renewing them for one more week.  Students cannot check out new books if they haven't returned the books they have checked out.

Overdue/Lost/Damaged Book Fines
We do not charge overdue fines, however, when a book is three (3) weeks overdue it will be marked lost and the student will be billed the current replacement cost of the book, plus a processing fee of $2.00.   

Students are asked to pay for lost books in a timely manner.  If payment has been made and the lost book has been found within 90 days, or the end of the school year which ever comes first, the Media Center will refund the replacement fee. If a replacement book has already been ordered, no refund will be made.

Food or Liquid Damage
Students who return books with any liquid or food damage will be asked to pay for that book and a new one will be ordered.   Books can become moldy very quickly and this is the best way to keep our students and staff safe.  Please keep books away from food and drinks.  Many students carry water bottles in their backpacks. Please consider placing the books OR the water/food in a re-sealable bag to prevent water damage.

We ask that students take responsibility for their library books and keep them from being ripped, chewed, colored on or inked.  The “damaged book” fine is determined by the level of destruction. 

Scribbling (pencil, marker or ink)

1-2 pages $2.00
3+ pages $5.00


Ripped or Torn Pages:

Any pages torn out will result in a full replacement cost plus a $2.00 processing fee

Text or pictures torn or ripped

1-2 pages $2.00
3+ pages $5.00 

Chewed cover/spine/pages
If  the book is repairable the damage fine will be $2.00, if the book is not repairable, the student will be charged a replacement cost plus $2.00 processing fee. 

We have an extensive playaway audio book collection available to first grade students. Students and their parents are required to sign a permission slip before being allowed to check out these materials.  We ask that students use their own personal headphones with these players. Lost or damaged audio books must be replaced by the cost of the audio book to the library (prices range from $13-$75 depending on the title).

Please contact the Media Center if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you!