Preschool for All Parent Workshop

Being a parent is stressful. But how we deal with that stress makes a huge difference in the eyes of our children, according to a life coach who spoke to parents during a recent Preschool for All workshop in North Palos School District 117.
"Our kids see how we deal with stress," said Amany Suleiman, a life coach who spoke to about 35 parents in the class. "Remember as a child how we felt when our parents fought? Kids need to know that we (as parents) are in control and not yelling.
"How we react to our children teaches them how to react in life," she said.
Mrs. Suleiman asked participants how they relieve stress in their lives. Some parents responded that  they take a bath at the end of the night or read or exercise. Whatever they can do to create harmony in their homes and calm your body to create a sense of inner peace."